Despite producing popular printers in the global market. Canon products are not so much user-friendly,People are getting confused while using it. Sometimes they also even don’t know how to reset canon printer. If you are one of those confused users who want to know the detailed process then try to follow this article till the end. It consists of a comprehensive guideline to resolve the matter with ease. But before going on that part, at first, let’s focus on the causes due to which you have to Reset your canon printer.

Essential Reasons : Why Do You Need To Reset The Canon Printer?
If you suddenly encounter any error messages, then you can quickly sort it out with a quick reset. It will help you to move past a problem. Each Canon printer model has a different factory reset method. But all of them share a lot of common areas. You can quickly tackle the issue through the Control Panel settings of the printer. Resolve your query regarding how to reset Canon printer with our professionals.
However, a full reset might not be required if you are encountering general problems, such as late printing experience.
Once you will be able to know the causes to perform the issue, now, let’s focus on the troubleshooting steps.
How To Reset Canon Printer To Factory Settings: Easy Steps
Here are some easy steps, using which you will be able to resolve the matter with ease.
- Reset the ink cartridge
- Reset the device settings
Method 1: Factory Resets Of Ink Cartridge
In order to perform a factory reset with your printing device at first, you have to perform a factory reset with the Ink cartridges using the steps mentioned below.
- Initially, try to turn your printer off.
- After that, push down the power button as well as the “Stop” button at the same time.
- Now, release the stop button but don’t release the power button by two additional times.
- After some time, you will be able to see your printer’s display shows “O”.
- Now, hit the Stop button four times before you push the power button twice. Again, press the power button one more time as well as turn your printer off. You will be able to complete the Reset process of your printer.
- Now, unplug the printer’s power and USB cables to perform a reset process with the cartridges.
- Once done reconnect the power cables while holding down the power button.
- After that, close the door of the cartridge and turn on the power button again.
Once you complete this process, you have to perform the next method to complete the action.
Method 2: Factory Reset Of Device
While you restore your canon printer, the default factory settings will restore it back again and remove all settings as well as specifications of the printer. After which you have to connect it with your home network and reestablishing the whole set up process again. however, now follow instructions to complete the restore process. To access the factory reset option, do the following:
- At first, turn on your printer and turn on the menu.
- Once done, use the direction arrows to open the setup menu.
- Now, go to the device settings and tap on the OK option.
- After that, choose the Reset settings option and tap on the OK option to restart the process.
Once done you will be able to perform the restore process with your printer.
Shuming It Up
Hopefully, using this guideline, you will be able to resolve the matter on your own.if not or if you have any further queries related to the steps provided, hen you can leave a comment in the comment section. In that case, take note that, it is recommended to perform each and every step carefully. Don’t jump any one of them. However, if you liked the post then hit the like button.